- Way to A swedish Driving License
- Age 15yrs 9 months
- Get a provisional Driving License (Körkortstillstånd)
- Get Swedish Driving Book and Tests, Start Reading
- Start Practice Driving
- a) Private (You have to go Hlb.Private teacher course)
- b) Driving school (no need of Hlutb.)
- Do Risk-1
- Do Risk-2
- Book a Theory Test when you pass book Driving Test age limit (18yrs)
Charges Payment before the course start
Please note Your private fees for driving tests, photography, making of drivers license etc. you have to pay yourself
1 driving lesson a(´50min)———— 810kr
1 Test lesson (60 min)………… 700kr
+1 driving lesson (a´50min) + same car at your driving test 1800kr if vi book the driving test
Turbo 1 —————————- 3500kr
5 driving lessons (a50’min) + safety car security check
Turbo 2…………………….7000 kr
10 driving lessons (a50’min) + car safety check
+same car for driving test We book a driving test if you are good value 1800kr
Turbo 3…………………….10,500kr
15 driving lessons (a50’min) + safety check
+same car for driving test We book a driving test if you are good value 1800kr
Risk1,2 you can do in your own time but before your driving Test
cancellation 24 hrs before otherwise you will be debited