Hazard-1 (Risk-Ettan)      Risk-1 is the first part and consists of

Alcohol and Other Drugs
The risky attitude in common

Should be done in the beginning of Drivers Licence training

Course length 3- 4 hrs with some breaks
ID control
Rapport: Electronic system passed by Transportstyrelsen
Register: Is filed and saved for 5 years
R-1 validity 5 years.
Teacher approved by TS
Student age limit 15yrs 9 months.valid id-provisional drivers license

Hazard-2 ( Risk-2) (slippery driving) is the second part and consists of
Driving in special conditions
Should be done at the end of Drivers licence training

Is done in  Halkbana a special place just made for this purpose takes about 4-5 hours

Risk education 2
Risk education 2 in driving on slippery ground in Stockholm
Risk education 2 in Stockholm you do on the halkbana you find most suitable. 

If you go to a traffic school then they can certainly help you arrange a time for you, but if you prefer to drive on any other course than they have booking times, then you will have to call and book yourself.
When you train your Risk Training 2 you will learn that the most important thing to do well in winter road conditions is to drive at the right speed.

 Then we do not mean in relation to what is on the road sign, but that you must have the right speed in relation to the road, the view, the surface and the situation.

At the course Risk-2 you will learn to drive with both the right speed and with too high or low speed. 

Just because you need to know how it feels. You will also have to decide the speed yourself in some exercises. This is to make the skidding as realistic as possible.
Thej train you to avoid getting into dangerous situations when driving in winter roads.

 Thats the main aim of Risk-2 course.
You will also get the opportunity to try to get out of a dangerous situation. E.g. to make an escape maneuver. However, we do not believe that you can learn so much during the short time you are with us. Most people get to practice for several years to become good at it

             RISK-1 and RISK-2 must be done before the Driving Test

Risk-1 (del 1) Skall göras I samband med körkorts teori i början av körkortsutbildning

Den omfattar
Andra Droger och Riskfyllda beteenden i trafiken

Tid ca 3 timmar med rast och fika

Legitimation kontroll
Rapportering: Electronisk överförings I ett systemgodkänd av TS.
Register-sparas I 5 år
R-1 Gäller I 5 år
Krav på lärare.GK av TS :Krav på elev 15år 9mån giltigt leg KKST.

Risk-2 (del 2) Halkbana skall göras I slutetskedet av körkortsutbildning
Den omfattar
Körning under svåra förhållanden

Tar ca 4-5 Timmar och görs på en Halkbana

RISK-1 and RISK-2 måste göras innan körprov

Recomenderad Halkbana